
Dear lovers of literature, we are pleased to contribute to the polyphonic cultural landscape of the Ruhr region with the eighth edition of our international literature festival, lit.RUHR.
Whether it’s fantastic new novels, stimulating discussions about today’s hot topics or amusing themed evenings – the wide diversity on our stages once again shows that literature can be moving, thought-provoking and entertaining.
lit.kid.RUHR is our German-language program for children and teens, including numerous events for school classes as well as exciting events for families.

More information about lit.kid.RUHR can be found on the German version of this website.
The only reason why we have only been able to put on this festival all these years is because of you – our audience and our partners, sponsors and patrons. We are enormously grateful for this support, which enables us to bring literature in diverse forms to the region’s stages. Thank you!
We hope you enjoy this year’s program!
Your lit.RUHR team

Program & Tickets

For questions regarding ticket booking/refunds please contact our ticket partner myticket directly: help@myticket.de.

All the titles of our festivals. In our festival bookstore.


Download our program


lit kid.RUHR celebrates reading! And celebrating with it Rufus Beck and Harry Potter, Ingo Siegner and the little dragon Kokosnuss, Die drei ???, Max Mutzke, Clari Corrêa da Silva and many more! In 33 events over five days for school classes and families, everything revolves around books, important topics, exciting stories and enchanting reading experiences. And the stage belongs to children and young people themselves, when great events on our projects #lassmalesen and #lassmaschreiben are on the program. We are looking forward to a joint literature festival!

Alles über die lit.kid.RUHR


For years now, the lit.RUHR has been actively working to enable persons with disabilities to participate. There is a wide range of barriers that prevent people with disabilities from participating normally in cultural events. In its efforts to change this, the lit.RUHR offers multiple fully-accessible and improved-access events every year.

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RAG Stiftung
Brost Stiftung
Brost Stiftung
Stiftung Mercator
Stiftung Mercator
Sparkasse Essen
Sparkasse Essen
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