About Emilia Roig

Born in 1983, Emilia Zenzile Roig is the founder and Director of the Center for Intersectional Justice (CIJ) in Berlin. She obtained her doctorate at Humboldt University in Berlin and Sciences Po Lyon. Emilia Roig has taught intersectionality, critical race theory and postcolonial studies as well as international and European law in Germany, France and the USA. Across Europe, she holds keynote speeches and talks on the topics of intersectionality, feminism, racism, discrimination, diversity and inclusion. She is also the author of numerous publications in German, English and French. She was interviewed by Sibylle Berg for the best seller “Nerds retten die Welt” [“Nerds Save the World”] and was a member of the jury for the German Non-Fiction Prize in 2020.

Photo: Emilia Roig

Books with contribution of Emilia Roig

Das Ende der Ehe

Das Ende der Ehe

Emilia Roig


Book Store



Emilia Roig


Book Store

Why We Matter: Das Ende der Unterdrückung

Why We Matter: Das Ende der Unterdrückung

Emilia Roig


Book Store

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