About Martin Schäuble

Born in 1978, Martin Schäuble lives in Berlin, where he works as a freelance author and social researcher. He studied political science in Berlin, Israel and the Palestinian territories and obtained his doctorate with a thesis about two jihadists. He has spoken with countless refugees and regularly travels throughout the Middle East, which is a commonly occurring theme in his works, such as Between Borders (2012), Black Box Jihad (2011) and The History of the Israelis and Palestinians (2007).

Photo: Martin Schäuble

Events with contribution of Martin Schäuble

Books with contribution of Martin Schäuble

Die Geschichte der Israelis und Palästinenser. Der Nahost-Konflikt aus Sicht derer, die ihn erleben

Die Geschichte der Israelis und Palästinenser. Der Nahost-Konflikt aus Sicht derer, die ihn erleben

Martin Schäuble
Carl Hanser


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