“Her debut was the best seller of last year and the sequel ‘Gale Force 17’ once again casually hits us right in the heart. How does she do it?” wonders not only Süddeutsche Zeitung. Caroline Wahl is the new star of German-language literature. After telling the story of Tilda in her celebrated debut “22 Lengths”, Wahl now turns her attention to Tilda’s younger sister Ida in Gale Force 17. After her alcoholic mother dies, Ida leaves the small town where she has spent her entire life. She has no plan, just a big lump of anger, grief and guilt in her stomach. Finally, she ends up on the island of Rügen, where she meets Knut, the local pub owner, and his wife Marianne, who soon take Ida into their home. And she meets Leif, who is just as damaged as she is. Suddenly, everything in Ida’s life is a bit easier, a bit more bearable. Until her world is soon turned upside down again.
Host: Knut Elstermann


Caroline Wahl © Frederike Wetzels
Caroline Wahl

Caroline Wahl was born in 1995 and grew up near Heidelberg. She… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.

More About Caroline Wahl

Knut Elstermann © Jochen Saupe
Knut Elstermann

German journalist, author and presenter Knut Elstermann was born in… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.

More About Knut Elstermann


Windstärke 17

Windstärke 17

Caroline Wahl



Event data

  • Date:

    13. October 2024

  • Pre Pre sale price (fees excluded) 18 € | 14 € erm.

    Eve Evening fund price 24 € | 20 € erm.

  • Halle 5
    UNESCO-Welterbe Zollverein

    Gelsenkirchener Straße 181
    Parkplatz A1 und A2, Essen

    Google Maps

  • Accessibility

    • Wheelchair friendly + WC Available
    • Induction loop can be installed if required Available
    • Assistance dogs welcome Available
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