Growing up as an only child in village in southern Germany in 1971, Roberta’s future is already laid out for her: She will take over her parents’ farm one day. In the countryside, nobody has any interest in coming to terms with the past, nor feminism, pop culture or miniskirts. What counts here is hard work, obedience and appropriate behavior. Yet, Roberta dreams of designing her own clothes. At the same time, she loves the farm and the physical work in nature. And then there is Wilhelm, the pastor’s son… His mother is also staying because of her son. She hates country life and longs to move away.
Soon, the two women are forced to make decisions that will change everything. Zwei Leben [“Two Lives”] is the new novel from Ewald Arenz. “Arenz tells his stories about friendship and family, love and aging in a clear and unembellished style – and yet his prose breathes poetry” (Süddeutsche Zeitung).
Host: Julia Schöning


Ewald Arenz © Ilka Birkefeld
Ewald Arenz

Born in 1965 in Nuremberg, Ewald Arenz is a teacher and author who… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.

More About Ewald Arenz

Julia Schöning © Annika Fußwinkel
Julia Schöning

Julia Schöning-Winters studied art history and German language and … This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.

More About Julia Schöning


Zwei Leben

Zwei Leben

Ewald Arenz



Event data

  • Date:

    11. October 2024

  • Pre Pre sale price (fees excluded) 18 € | 14 € erm.

    Eve Evening fund price 24 € | 20 € erm.

  • 9. Etage der Zentrale der Sparkasse Essen

    Logenstraße 9

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