Which philosophy can still guide us today? On the trail of Theodor W. Adorno, Susan Sontag, Michel Foucault and Paul K. Feyerabend, Geister der Gegenwart [“Ghosts of the Present”] is a captivating story of the dawn of a new Enlightenment.
Winter 1949: Theodor W. Adorno returns from the USA to bombed-out Frankfurt, while war-injured Paul K. Feyerabend heads back to Vienna. Precocious high school student Susan Sontag meets Thomas Mann in Los Angeles. In Paris, young Michel Foucault attempts suicide again. In the wake of the catastrophe of the Second World War, these four independent thinkers are finding their way to a new philosophizing which will revolutionize how we think about our society, culture and science.
Wolfram Eilenberger presents another storytelling masterpiece which heralds the power of philosophy to break free from the constraints of the present. It is full of surprising insights and liberating inspiration for our crisis-stricken times. Host: Christian Schärf


Wolfram Eilenberger © Annette Hauschild / Ostkreuz
Wolfram Eilenberger

Writer and philosopher Wolfram Eilenberger was born in 1972. He hosts… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.

More About Wolfram Eilenberger

Christian Schärf © privat
Christian Schärf

Christian Schärf, born in Ludwigshafen/Rh. in 1960, is a literary … This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.

More About Christian Schärf


Geister der Gegenwart

Geister der Gegenwart

Wolfram Eilenberger



Event data

  • Date:

    11. October 2024

  • Pre Pre sale price (fees excluded) 18 € | 14 € erm.

    Eve Evening fund price 24 € | 20 € erm.

  • Salzlager
    UNESCO-Welterbe Zollverein

    Heinrich-Imig-Str. 11,
    Parkplatz C oder Parkdeck Zollverein (kostenpfl.), Essen

    Google Maps

  • Accessibility

    • Wheelchair friendly + WC Available
    • Induction loop can be installed if required Available
    • Assistance dogs welcome Available
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Stiftung Mercator
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