Author Navid Kermani, recipient of The Peace Prize of the German Book Trade, is one of the most important intellectual voices of today and an astute observer of current debates. He also regularly turns his attention to regions that barely enter public consciousness in the West. This is once again the case with his new book In die andere Richtung jetzt [“In the Other Direction Now”], in which he vividly depicts eastern Africa in a sensitively written travel memoir. He traveled from southern Madagascar via the Comoros, Mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya and Ethiopia to the Nuba Mountains in Sudan. Where other authors searched for primitiveness, Kermani discovers dynamic people and cultures. He links his empathetic and clever observations with the big topics of our day – from war and climate change to fundamental questions of identity and existence.
Host: Sonia Mikich


Navid Kermani © Dietrich Kuehne - KroesingMedia
Navid Kermani

Born in 1967 in Siegen, Navid Kermani now lives in Cologne. He has… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.

More About Navid Kermani

Sonia Mikich © WDR/Annika Fußwinkel
Sonia Mikich

Sonia Mikich, born in Oxford in 1951, worked as a journalist,… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.

More About Sonia Mikich


In die andere Richtung jetzt

In die andere Richtung jetzt

Navid Kermani
C.H. Beck



Event data

  • Date:

    10. October 2024

  • Pre Pre sale price (fees excluded) 20 € | 16 € erm.

    Eve Evening fund price 26 € | 22 € erm.

  • Villa Hügel

    Hügel 15
    45133 Essen

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