The “New From the Region” series showcases exciting new releases that shine a spotlight on the Ruhr region as a literary setting. In Ich komme nicht zurück [“I’m Not Coming Back”], Rasha Khayat tells the story of a deep friendship that begins in the late 1980s: Hanna, Zeyna and Cem grow up together in a workers’ housing estate in the Ruhr region, forming a chosen family in which one’s roots are irrelevant. But as the children grow older, their differences become more apparent. The events of September 11, 2001, finally put their friendship to the test.
Years later, Hanna returns to her hometown and begins searching – for Zeyna, the traces of her past and what happened between them back then. “This book is like an outstretched hand. A tragically beautiful protest against everything that divides people rather than bringing them together” (Daniela Dröscher). Host: Karosh Taha


Rasha Khayat © Anika Büssemeier
Rasha Khayat

Coming soon... This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.

More About Rasha Khayat

Karosh Taha © Havin Al-Sindy
Karosh Taha

Karosh Taha was born in the small town of Zaxo in northern Iraq in… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.

More About Karosh Taha


Ich komme nicht zurück

Ich komme nicht zurück

Rasha Khayat



Event data

  • Date:

    11. October 2024

  • Pre Pre sale price (fees excluded) 16 € | 12 € erm.

    Eve Evening fund price 22 € | 18 € erm.

  • Literaturhaus Oberhausen / Gdanska Theater

    Eingang im Hof, Gutenbergstr. 8
    46045 Oberhausen

    Google Maps

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