Everybody wants to grow old, but nobody wants to be old. It’s an absurd contradiction that causes real suffering. How can we learn to accept ageing as best we can? Is it possible to grow old and live a fulfilling life? Last year, Elke Heidenreich turned 80 and said in an interview with dpa: “The women in our family do not age. We don’t get gray hair, we don’t get wrinkles. We just drop dead one day.” Nevertheless, the author has now delved into the topic of Ageing. The result is a book which only she could have written – personal, honest, funny and wise. She reflects on her life, especially her relationships with other people. When you are old, you deal with the consequences of everything you have done in the past. But age also brings a sense of calm and you realize: “Most things are totally unimportant. We should simply breathe and be grateful.”
Marc-Aurel Floros will accompany the evening on piano.


Elke Heidenreich © Leonie von Kleist
Elke Heidenreich

Elke Heidenreich is a writer and a literary critic for television,… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.

More About Elke Heidenreich

Marc-Aurel Floros © privat
Marc-Aurel Floros

Pianist Marc-Aurel Floros has composed works for all forms and types… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.

More About Marc-Aurel Floros




Elke Heidenreich
Hanser Berlin



Event data

  • Date:

    10. October 2024

  • Pre Pre sale price (fees excluded) 22 € | 18 € erm.

    Eve Evening fund price 28 € | 24 € erm.

  • Halle 12
    UNESCO-Welterbe Zollverein

    Gelsenkirchener Straße 181
    Parkplatz A1 und A2, Essen

    Google Maps

  • Accessibility

    • Wheelchair friendly + WC Available
    • Induction loop can be installed if required Available
    • Assistance dogs welcome Available
Stiftung Zollverein WDR5
RAG Stiftung
Brost Stiftung
Brost Stiftung
Stiftung Mercator
Stiftung Mercator
Sparkasse Essen
Sparkasse Essen
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